How I learned the art of self-learning in 7 days

How I learned the art of self-learning in 7 days

While browsing the web for how to begin with software development, I bumped into a YouTube video from where I got to know about CRIO. At first, I thought it was just another training program where you get video lectures and mimic the instructor, like most programs nowadays. But when I went into the details of the Java Backend Development track, I was fascinated by how they structured it and the skillset it promised to deliver.


My final thought on this is that it is not a learning platform, it is an industrial experience which prepares you for your future endeavours. My takeaway from this trial week is that there are many things you essentially should know. Crio helps you understand the basics of things you never even thought about and that is the beauty of it. It makes you crave to learn more about these things which ultimately helps you to be a good developer.


I am pursuing my Masters in Computer Science, and I know we need the practical skills that are often missing in academia. I've been rejected from final interview rounds at multiple companies because I had the theoretical knowledge but lacked the practical application. I was determined to improve my coding skills, and CRIO's "Learn by Doing" methodology sounded intriguing. The promise of a one-week free trial was an excellent opportunity to experience it without commitment.

This trial week began a new journey for me, teaching me how software development truly happens. The best part is that you don't need to be an expert to learn; basic programming knowledge is sufficient. What's truly essential is the drive and dedication.

I planned to dedicate at least two hours per day to the program, but the content was so captivating that I spent 4-5 hours each day. I completed the trial week's goals rapidly, eagerly anticipating the next modules. The program emphasizes hands-on learning, giving you introductory videos and notes to explore, encouraging you to discover and conquer challenges. You won't find pre-made solutions, but the opportunity to brainstorm your own creative approaches – the real way to learn permanently.

The trial week covered essential foundations like Linux, HTTP, REST API, and GIT. It provided valuable preparation for future modules and, even with no prior experience, you emerge with new programming skills. The structure of the program is intuitive and well-organized, making the portal easy to navigate. For any issues encountered, the helpful Teaching Assistants (TAs) are available on the Slack channel, readily offering guidance and support. There are also power sessions twice a week where TAs dedicate four hours to help with your progress and address any problems.

I never faced an insurmountable obstacle, and I was always supported by the community. While some modules were challenging, they pushed me to achieve more. The "Learn by Doing" methodology might sound unconventional, but after experiencing CRIO, I wish I'd discovered it earlier.

The trial week left an unforgettable impression, far exceeding any other training program I've encountered. I'm now enrolled in the program, eager to continue. Two key goals excite me. Firstly, to become a self-directed learner, responsible for my own career roadmap. Secondly, to utilize these core technical skills to secure a position in a reputable company, ultimately landing a high-paying job within the software development industry.

CRIO has transformed my perspective on learning and development. It's given me a clear direction and roadmap for my goals. The coding knowledge, along with the opportunity to practice and problem-solve, provides a fantastic foundation for any ** aspiring developer**.

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