How Do I Create a GUID / UUID in JavaScript?

How Do I Create a GUID / UUID in JavaScript?

Problem Statement

GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) or UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) are essential for ensuring unique IDs in distributed systems or browser-based applications. JavaScript lacks a native UUID generator until modern APIs like crypto.randomUUID(). This article shows how to generate compliant and random UUIDs.

Solution Code

Here are two widely used approaches to generating UUIDs in JavaScript:

If you’re working in a secure context (HTTPS or localhost), use crypto.randomUUID():

// Generate a UUID using crypto.randomUUID()
const uuid = crypto.randomUUID();
console.log(uuid); // Example output: "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
  • Advantages: Built-in, compliant with RFC 4122, and available in modern browsers.
  • Limitations: Requires HTTPS or localhost.

Fallback Method (For Legacy Browsers)

This generates a version 4 (random) UUID using crypto.getRandomValues:

function generateUUIDv4() {
  return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c => {
    const r = (crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15) >> (c === 'x' ? 0 : 3);
    return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);
console.log(generateUUIDv4()); // Example output: "1b4e28ba-2fa1-11d2-883f-0016d3cca427"
  • Advantages: High randomness, no external dependencies.
  • Limitations: Slightly more verbose; still requires crypto API.

Learn More


  • Math.random(): Avoid this for UUIDs due to poor randomness guarantees.
  • Third-party Libraries: Use robust libraries like uuid for production environments:
    import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

Edge Cases

  • If crypto.getRandomValues is unavailable, secure randomness cannot be guaranteed. Consider upgrading your environment.
  • Validate the generated UUID format for compliance with RFC 4122 if using custom methods.


  • Use crypto.randomUUID() in secure contexts for simplicity and compliance.
  • For legacy browsers, crypto.getRandomValues offers a reliable fallback.
  • Avoid using Math.random() or relying on untested custom implementations.


Quick Recap of generating GUID/UUID in JavaScript and Future Insights

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and expanding your knowledge about generating GUIDs/UUIDs in JavaScript. We hope you now have a solid understanding of how to create unique identifiers using modern methods like crypto.randomUUID() and fallback approaches such as crypto.getRandomValues.

For a deeper dive into related topics, here are some additional areas you can explore:

  1. UUID Versions: Learn about UUID v1, v4, and others, including their use cases and differences.
  2. Validation Techniques: Discover how to validate UUIDs for RFC 4122 compliance using regular expressions or libraries.
  3. Performance Comparisons: Understand the efficiency of various UUID generation methods.
  4. Security Considerations: Explore why crypto-based methods are secure and the risks of Math.random().
  5. Node.js Integration: Learn how to generate UUIDs effectively in Node.js environments.
  6. UUID Collision Probability: Delve into the mathematics of collision probabilities to appreciate the reliability of UUIDs.
  7. Real-World Applications: Discover practical use cases like database keys, session tokens, and tracking IDs.
  8. Browser Compatibility: Check the support for UUID methods across browsers.

By exploring these areas, you’ll gain comprehensive expertise in using UUIDs effectively in diverse scenarios.

As you continue your learning journey, remember that mastering fundamental concepts like UUID generation not only enhances your technical skills but also equips you to build secure, scalable, and reliable applications. Stay curious, keep experimenting, and embrace the ever-evolving world of programming!

Compiled by team Crio.Do

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