Detect browser or tab closing

Problem Statement

Detecting when a user is about to close a browser window or tab is essential for tasks like saving user data, prompting for confirmation, or performing cleanup operations. Implementing this functionality reliably across different browsers can be challenging due to varying levels of support and restrictions. How do we detect these events?

Solution Code

Modern Approach (Using beforeunload and unload Events)

The most effective and widely supported method to detect browser or tab closure is by leveraging the beforeunload and unload events.

Using beforeunload

The beforeunload event is triggered when the user is about to leave the page. It allows you to display a confirmation dialog to prevent accidental navigation.

window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (e) {

    // Cancel the event


    // Chrome requires returnValue to be set

    e.returnValue = '';

  • e.preventDefault(): Cancels the event as per the standard.
  • e.returnValue = '': Required for some browsers (like Chrome) to display the confirmation dialog.

Using unload

The unload event is fired when the document is being unloaded. It's suitable for performing cleanup tasks without user interaction.

window.addEventListener('unload', function () {

    // Perform cleanup tasks here

    console.log('Page is unloading');


The unload event does not support confirmation dialogs and should be used solely for cleanup purposes.

Learn More

Cross-Browser Solution (Pre-HTML5)

For older browsers that do not support addEventListener, you can use the onbeforeunload and onunload properties.

window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {

    var message = 'Are you sure you want to leave?';

    (e || window.event).returnValue = message;

    return message;


window.onunload = function () {

    // Cleanup tasks here

    console.log('Page is unloading');


Note: Modern browsers often ignore custom messages in beforeunload dialogs for security reasons.

jQuery Alternative

$(window).on('beforeunload', function () {

    return '';


$(window).on('unload', function () {

    // Cleanup tasks here



  • Minimize the use of beforeunload: Only prompt users when necessary to avoid frustration.
  • Perform Lightweight Cleanup: Ensure tasks in the unload event are quick to prevent delays in page unloading.


Detecting browser or tab closure in JavaScript primarily involves the beforeunload and unload events. The beforeunload event is ideal for prompting users before they leave, while the unload event is suitable for performing cleanup tasks without user interaction.


Quick Recap on detecting browser or tab closures in Javascript

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on detecting browser or tab closures in JavaScript! We hope that the insights shared have enhanced your understanding of the beforeunload and unload events, as well as their practical applications. By leveraging these techniques, you can better manage tasks like saving data or performing cleanups when a user is about to close a tab or browser.

In the future, you can explore additional topics related to browser and tab closure detection, including:

  1. Browser Compatibility: Understanding how different browsers handle closure events differently.
  2. Session Management: Using sessionStorage to manage state across page reloads or browser closures.
  3. SPA (Single-Page Application): Handling browser tab closing in SPAs.
  4. Mouse Position Detection: Detecting tab or window closures based on mouse movements near the top of the window.
  5. Page Visibility API: Using the Page Visibility API to detect when a page is no longer visible.
  6. Performance Considerations: Minimizing delays caused by beforeunload or unload events.
  7. User Behavior Analytics: Tracking user interactions for insights on tab or window closure patterns.
  8. Security Implications: Understanding the security risks associated with browser closure events.
  9. Custom Dialog Limitations: The restrictions on custom confirmation dialogs across modern browsers.

While the beforeunload and unload events are invaluable tools for many developers, always remember to use them judiciously. Overusing them may negatively impact user experience, so consider when it's truly necessary to prompt users or perform cleanup operations.

Keep experimenting, stay curious, and continue building efficient, user-friendly web applications. You're on the right path to mastering advanced JavaScript techniques!

Compiled by team Crio.Do