You will be creating a full-stack website that uses the student information from a database as input and generates his/her result in PDF format as output which can then be downloaded and shared.
You will be creating a full-stack website that uses the student information from a database as input and generates his/her result in PDF format as output which can then be downloaded and shared.
In our day-to-day life, we come across various examination results such as school exam results, competitive exam results, college semester exam results, etc. How efficiently it produces someone's result by just filling in student details! But, have you ever thought of creating one? The ones who did basically went through the hectic job of perfecting their database and then using the knowledge of front-end and back-end to do so.
Developers are known for doing stuff automatically and efficiently. Thus we can have an easier take on it, by creating a system that accepts the student details as input and generates the desired result as output.