With each day, the hold of bulky e-commerce industries like Amazon, Flipkart etc is increasing. This is bringing a hard time for the small-scale local retailers and businesses. The increasing ease of buying products online makes it harder for the local businesses to compete in the market.
Hyperlocal businesses involve building a local ecosystem that enables customers to buy anything from their neighborhood stores. Hyperlocal has two major dimensions: geography and time. Its content is targeted people or entities that are located within a well-defined area, generally on the scale of a street, neighbourhood, community, or city.
The hyperlocal eCommerce system helps the customers to connect with local stores of particular geographical regions and gives customers a better experience of shopping by providing them fast delivery of the purchased products. Thus Hyperlocal Marketplace is the next generation in transforming e-commerce for both sellers and customers.
This project is a challenging project for beginners, the perfect project idea for intermediates and a routine project for professionals. This project uses an intermediate-advanced level flutter-dart concepts and moderate knowledge of Firebase databases.