Breakout Ball game is a widely used game which was developed in the 1970s. In Breakout, a layer of bricks lines the top third of the screen and the goal is to destroy them all. A ball moves straight around the screen, bouncing off the top and two sides of the screen. When a brick is hit, the ball bounces back and the brick is destroyed. The player loses a turn when the ball touches the bottom of the screen; to prevent this from happening, the player has a horizontally movable paddle to bounce the ball upward, keeping it in play. The player uses the platform to keep the ball running. The goal is to break the bricks without missing the ball with your platform. The project makes use of Java swing, OOPS concepts and much more.
Here, you will use new java concepts of beginner level (AWT, Swing, JFrame, JPanel etc). This game is not meant to be the next most sold game but just a platform from which to learn and maybe inspire someone to be the next most successful developer in the world ;)
An instance of the game in action: